Sunday, September 13, 2009

Spiritual Cinema Circle

When I first discovered NetFlix I thought I discovered 7th Heaven. Now that I've found Spiritual Cinema Circle, I know I have.

From the SCC folks:
Spiritual Cinema Circle is the home of entertaining films that inspire love and compassion, films that connect us with the world around us. Now in our sixth year, Spiritual Cinema Circle is home for a community of conscious filmmakers and film-lovers in more than 80 countries. We're proud to have brought the work of more than 100 exciting, new independent filmmakers to the homes of tens of thousands of people around the world.

The movies you get are full-length features, both dramas and comedies, short films, and documentaries on mind-opening subjects. The movies are about many different subjects, but they all share common elements: All our movies are carefully-chosen to provide genuine nourishment for the heart and soul, a much-needed nutrient at a time when more and more Hollywood movies are violent, profane and devoid of meaning. Our movies inspire wonder, insight, deep feeling and transcendence. Above all, they make you feel better about being a human being.

I just started my free trial...I'll let you know what I think in a month or so...

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